Working with Schools
We are happy to work alongside schools or Local Authorities (EOTAS) to support a child who is not accessing their education. We can also offer a flexi-school approach with a child attending Pod Micro School alongside their usual provision.
Our main goal is to support the child in accessing learning, transitioning away from their home to an educational setting and developing their confidence. We work together with the child, school and family to re-integrate the child back in to education and to support them with their next steps.
What we offer:
Ofsted Registered with fully qualified teachers
Safeguarding and attendance reporting
Termly Progress reports
Involvement in EHCP and transition meetings
Individual targets to support the learning needs of each child
Proven Success
We are very proud of our success in supporting children who have been unable to access their usual school place. Of the 10 children (As of June 2024) who have attended the Pod as part of their mainstream provision, EOTAS or in-lieu of their mainstream provision, we have had 100% attendance and have successfully re-integrated all of the children who have left us (40%) back into education.
If you are a parent, guardian, SENDCo or case worker, please get in touch with us to see how we can work together to achieve the best outcomes for all children.